infinite infinities ii community

Infinite Infinities ii
4 min readDec 4, 2021

Today I am excited to share with you the beginning of infinite infinities ii. A private Crypto community of family and friends, focused on community, wealth and overall well being. On Monday December 6th 2021 we will mint 100 authentic NFT’s from various artist. The NFT will represent your membership into the ii community and will allow you access to our private channels, future perks and other cool content and merchandise.

The Vision…

Metaflower by Anon

Together we are strong…..

Need advice? or better yet do you have some great advice?

A community focused on generational wealth, daily cash flow and all around well being.

Living life with out the everyday financial strains and burdens of society.

Pooled wealth

Community decisions

Ape Community

Community Vacations

Rational Thinking (i’s have it)

This is not a get rich quick type of community, we’re a get rich quicker type of community… Just kidding but seriously…

Long Live the King by Anon

Lets focus on bettering our relationships as well as our life.

Several communities and platforms make ridiculous and impossible claims, you will never get us confused.

We’re moving forward together.

From private investors to major players all ii community members are equal and have equal rights within the community.


We are already working with several different communities behind the scenes to offer ii members perks both on and off blockchain.

Our contact info is embedded in every ii NFT we look forward to working with all potential partners.

ii NFT Collection

Metabrewed by Anon

Since ii is community owned we felt it would only be right for the community to benefit from the sale or purchase of any ii NFT. Each ii NFT will generate a percentage of rewards when ever any ii NFT is sold or resold until the end of time.

We see NFTs as a store of value but they can be much more. ii NFT collection grants you membership to the community where all the fun is happening. We have created a eco structure within our NFTs, that will raise demand and secure value for each piece. We may have several different collections but only three different categories of NFTs. Controlled, Controller and Master Controller.

Ninja Stix by Anon

Each category has its perks but no category is more important then the other.

Master Controller NFTs -for the passionate community member who plans on being hands on in every event on and off blockchain.

Controller NFTs -for the community member who just wants to be at every event on and off blockchain…..well maybe not every.

and last but not least…

Controlled NFTs-for just regular members that represent the majority of our community. Who might just be so busy with everyday life or just not that interested in the leg work.


Each initial NFT will be randomly selected by the team from partnered artist, some who wish to remain anonymous and some who don’t.

Non anon artist’s info will be in the description of each individual piece. If your a artist interested in a partnership don’t hesitate to let us know. Contact info is at the bottom of this article.

Future Utility of NFTs

It is our privilege to announce a major partnership with a major metaverse dapp developer. ii NFT’s will be integrated into its first metaverse release! ii will have a permanent page in the metaverses marketplace and will be responsible for several characters as well as items. This is all we can say for now, we will be releasing updates as we move forward.

Community Contest

We have a system built around promoting and rewarding talent. ii will host a number of inhouse contest (for ii members only). The winners of these contest will not only reap the rewards but also take on roles as a ii representative with dapps, exchanges and even independent news outlets. We are looking for the most talented writers, artist, musicians and more from accountants to lawyers the ii community is already so diverse.

What Now

Just follow us on medium for now. Our next article due to be released on Monday, December 6th as we go live will include more updates and artist info. If your looking to enter your NFT into the drawing for Mondays release contact us below.

Join our team

100% of all ii NFT sales will be used for community development.

We are interested in working with talented people, writers, artist, devs, mods and pretty much anyone who has a good idea. Don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you think you can help us achieve our goals thanks again.


